
Edit the page


1. Add page

Click [Documents] or [Files] on the left tab and select the desired document.
Click the page you want to add and click [Add page] at the top left to add the page.

2. Replace page

Select the page you want to replace from the page list on the right side of the screen, and then click [Documents] or [Files] on the left tab to select the desired document.
Select one new page to replace currently selected page, and click [Replace the page] at the top left.
The current page is replaced with the selected page, and the recording list remains the same.

3. Move the page

Click [Move page] at the top right of the page.
Select a desired page number to move currently selected page and click the [Move] button.
Or, select the page you want to move from the page list and drag and drop it anywhere you want.

4. Duplicate page

Click [Duplicate page] at the top right of the page.
When you duplicate a page, the list of included recordings is also duplicated.

5. Delete page

Click [Delete Page] at the top right of the page or press [Delete] on your keyboard to delete it.