
Distributing documents


1. Click the Distribute this document button

If you want to forward the published document to others, click the [Distribute this document] button.

2. Select distribution target

Choose who to share the document to.

2-1. Public

If you want everyone to be able to see the document, select [Unspecified].
Public documents can be found at Foundation > Documents.
You can only create one public link, and if you don't want it public, you can disable the toggle button next to the link or delete the link.

2-2. Distribute to a specific person/group

To share to a specific person only, select [Specified].
After setting the target name, access control, expiration time, and provide download, click [Distribute] to create a specified link.
If you want to learn more about these options, see Learn Target Settings!
You can create multiple specified links, and you disable the toggle button next to the link to deactivate the link or delete the link anytime you want.

3. Share link

You can click the activated link to share it on social media or copy the link and forward it.